public health
COVID-19 Related Speaking Engagements
Speaker | Type | Organization/Details | Date |
Dong, E. | Invited Judge | Business Analytics Competition, Manhattan College | 04/23/22 |
Gardner, L. | Keynote Speaker | ASCE Structures Congress 2022 | 04/21/22 |
Dong, E. | Invited Seminar Speaker | Department of Geography, Texas A&M University, "Behind the curtain: the story of the covid-19 map" | 03/14/22 |
Dong, E. | Invited Presenter | ICC 2021, "Geospatial Data, Dashboards, Analytics And Scientific Communication Lessons Learned From The COVID-19 Pandemic" | 12/15/21 |
Dong, E. | Keynote Speaker | Chilean Minister of National Assets, "Seeing Red: Tracking the Global Pandemic in Real-time with the Johns Hopkins University CSSE Dashboard" | 12/14/21 |
Dong, E. | Featured Speaker | GIS Day at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, "Behind the curtain: the story of the covid-19 map" | 11/17/21 |
Dong, E. | Invited Speaker | The General Preventive Medicine Residency (GPMR) meeting at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, "JHU COVID-19 Dashboard and Background Technology" | 11/12/21 |
Katz, A. | Conference Talk | INCOSE Systems Engineering in Healthcare, "Foundations of the JHU Coronavirus Dashboard" | 11/5/21 |
Dong, E. | Invited Speaker | JHU MedHacks Invited Speaker, "Behind the curtain: the story of the covid-19 map" | 09/30/21 |
Katz, A. | Conference Talk | INFORMS 2021 Healthcare Conference, "Open-Source Data Operations in Support of Public Awareness and the National COVID-19 Response" | 07/22/21 |
Dong, E. | Invited Speaker | Harvard University CGA Virtual Forum 2021, "Behind the curtain: the story of the covid-19 map" | 06/30/21 |
Dong, E. | Lecture | Whiting School of Engineering Reunion Weekend, "Historic First - Tracking the Global Pandemic in Real-time" | 04/30/21 |
Gardner, L. | Keynote Talk | Union Session of the European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2021 (EGU21) session US2 – Post-Covid Geosciences, “Tracking COVID-19 in Real-time: Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned” | 04/23/21 |
Dong, E. | Plenary Speaker | Tennessee Geographic Information Council Spring Virtual Conference, "Seeing Red - Tracking COVID-19 in Real Time" | 04/20/21 |
Dong, E. | Keynote Talk | 2021 ABET Symposium, "Real-time Tracking and Forecasting of COVID-19" | 04/14/21 |
Gardner, L. | Plenary Talk | NATO Think-tank for Information and Decision Execution superiority (TIDE) Sprint, “Tracking COVID-19 in Real-time: Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned” | 04/13/21 |
Dong, E. | Guest speaker | Baltimore Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, "Historic First - Tracking the Global Pandemic in Real-time" | 04/06/21 |
Gardner, L. | Panelist and Moderator | SXSW Panel, “Data Detectives: Building Hopkins’ COVID Dashboard” | 03/16/21 |
Gardner, L. | Keynote Talk | Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine hosted Consortium of Universities in Global Health 2021 virtual conference, Women in Covid-19: Public Health Response, Vaccine Research | 03/13/21 |
Gardner, L. | Panelist | Scripps Research - Spectrum symposium “Stepping up Outbreak Surveillance in the Age of Pandemics” | 03/10/21 |
Dong, E. | Johns Hopkins Medicine 2021 Dean’s Symposia, "Behind the curtain: The story of the COVID-19 map" | 02/11/21 | |
Blake, M., Murray, R. | Keynote Talk | Geo4LibCamp, Stanford University, "The library’s role during the pandemic: public research and the JHU global COVID-19 dashboard" | 02/09/21 |
Gardner, L. | Keynote Talk | Darwin’s Circle 2020, How Technology Can Save the World | 02/01/21 |
Gardner, L. | Keynote Talk | Reuters MOMENTUM Virtual Forum | 12/09/20 |
Katz, A. | Panelist | Reuters MOMENTUM Virtual Forum, "Live Q&A: The future of technology in healthcare" | 12/09/20 |
Murray, R. & Blake, M. | Coalition for Networked Information Fall 2020 Membership Meeting, “A Library’s Role in Times of COVID: Lessons Learned from the JHU Global COVID-19 Map” | 12/08/20 | |
Dong, E. | Video | “Because of You - The Impact of COVID-Related Support at Johns Hopkins” | 11/25/20 |
Gardner, L. | Panelist | Bloomberg New Economy Forum, Panel: The Age of Digital Health | 11/19/20 |
Dong, E. | GIS Week 2020, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, “Seeing Red - Tracking COVID-19 in Real Time” | 11/18/20 | |
Dong, E. | Keynote Talk | GIS Day, Esri Bulgaria, “GIS in Action: Tracking the Coronavirus in Real Time” | 11/18/20 |
Katz, A. | Northeast ARC Users Group, Fall NEARC 2020, “Open Data Operations for COVID-19” | 11/15/20 | |
Dong, E. | Civilization Engineering Invited Lecture | ohns Hopkins Department of Civil and Systems Engineering, “Seeing Red - Tracking COVID-19 in Real Time” | 11/11/20 |
Dong, E. | Invited Presentation | INFORMS 2020 MB09, “Seeing Red - Tracking COVID-19 in Real Time” | 11/09/20 |
Dong, E. | Brown University CRUNCH group, “Historic First: Mapping the Pandemic in Real Time | 11/06/20 | |
Dong, E. | Department Colloquium Guest Speaker | Department of Geography, Texas State University, “GIS and Public Health - An Introduction to the JHU CSSE Real-time Coronavirus Tracker” | 11/05/20 |
Dong, E. | Mapping the Pandemic, Library of Congress (LOC), “Historic First: Mapping the Pandemic in Real Time” | 11/04/20 | |
Gardner, L. | Keynote Talk | Future of Privacy Forum; Privacy & Pandemics: Responsible Uses of Technology and Health Data During Times of Crisis. “Tracking COVID-19 in Real-time: Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned” | 10/27/20 |
Katz, A. | Future of Privacy Forum, Privacy in Pandemics, “Data Privacy in Low Density Public Health Environments” | 10/27/20 | |
Gardner, L. | Keynote Talk | JHU’s Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science (IDIES) annual symposium, “Tracking COVID-19 in Real-time: Challenges Faced and Lessons Learned” | 10/23/20 |
Dong, E. | COVID selective course lecture, Stanford University, “Seeing Red - Tracking COVID-19 in Real Time” | 10/22/20 |
Showing 1 to 40 of 58 entries