Asset management system for disaster risk financing – Govt. St. Vincent and the Grenadines (2024).
Asset management strategy – Govt. of St. Lucia (2024).
Use cases for the Govt. of the Philippines’ National Asset Registry System. Bureau of the Treasury. World Bank. 2022 – present.
Criticality index of public assets.
Typhoon risk analysis Department of Education assets”. Bureau of the Treasury – Philippines. World Bank. 2022-present.
“Development of Asset Management Capacity in the Government of St. Lucia.” World Bank Group and Saint Lucia Ministry of Finance. National Integrated Planning and Programme (NIPP) Unit. World Bank. 2021-present.
Development of the Asset Management Capacity for the Government of Anguilla. World Bank. 2021-2023.
Risk-based asset management system (RBAMS) for national budget planning – Governments of Anguilla (DoI, DF), and St. Lucia (NIPP). (2021-2023)
Development of the Country disaster risk profiles of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, and St. Lucia.
Policy analysis for climate change and infrastructure growth in Nicaragua (2016).
Decision framework for storm shelter retrofit prioritization in Dominica (2014)
Design and management of probabilistic simulation tool for seismic vulnerability assessments (2016)
Characterization of national building inventory for disasters mitigation in Guatemala (2015)
Consulting Activities
Training Disaster Risk Based Budgeting – Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Technical Working Group. World Bank – Govt. Philippines. Feb20, 22, 2024.
“Capacity Development on Building Condition Assessment and Valuation” Saint Lucia Ministry of Finance. National Integrated Planning and Programme (NIPP) Unit. World Bank. 2021-present
“Characterization of the Hurricane Hazard in Anguilla for input to the RBAMS project”. Government of Anguilla. World Bank. June 2022
“Risk-Based Asset Management Systems and Policy Dialogue for the Caribbean Region Virtual Workshop”. World Bank Group. August 3 – 4, 2021.
Presenter “World Bank and DBM Risk-Based Budgeting Philippines virtual Workshop”. March 20, 21 2023.
Presenter “Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management and Financial Risk Workshop for Overseas Countries and Territories”. World Bank Group. Orajenstad, Aruba Nov. 1- 3, 2022. Hurricane hazard characterization for most countries and territories in Central America and the Caribbean (2015 – 2018).
WBG Technical Workshop and Dialogue on RB-AMS for the Caribbean Region. 08/3-4/2021. WBG, EU, UKAid, GFDRR, RESEMBID