Gonzalo L. Pita
Director Masters in Systems Engineering Program
Associate Scientist

[email protected]
O: 410-516-8680
I’m an associate scientist and Director of the MS in Systems Engineering at JHU’s Civil and Systems Engineering Department (CaSE). My work centers on assessing the potential effects of natural hazards on society, risk-management policy analysis/design, risk-based budgeting, System Dynamics, and Asset Management Systems, including:
- catastrophe modeling
- natural disaster risk management
- System Dynamics and strategic studies
- hazard modeling (hurricane, seismic, and floods)
- assessment of climate change impacts on socio-technical systems
- engineering models of infrastructure vulnerability
- risk-based asset management systems (RBAMS)
- analysis and design of public policies in risk mitigation
I teach graduate courses in Natural Disaster Risk Modeling, System Dynamics, and International Project Management.
I’m also a Senior Consultant at the World Bank, since 2013 where I lead projects in catastrophe modeling, asset management systems, risk-based budgeting, and more. I also participated in the development of the vulnerability module of the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model.
I completed a B.C.E. in structural engineering (Ingeniero Civil – Univ. Tecnologica Nacional, Cordoba, Argentina), M.Sc. in earthquake engineering (Univ. Nacional de Cordoba), Ph.D. in building vulnerability and natural disaster risk modeling (Florida Inst. of Technology), and a Postdoc in risk simulations and systems (Johns Hopkins University).
Dept. of Civil and Systems Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
Latrobe 5A,
3400 North Charles St.,
Baltimore, MD 21218